Daily car maintenance, our ten tips

car maintenance,

Maintaining your car on a daily basis helps keep it in good mechanical and aesthetic condition. If certain major maintenance requires a visit to the workshop, a few regular and easy checks will extend the life of your car while sometimes making considerable savings.

And you will reap all the benefits during a possible resale. Here are ten tips to follow.

1 – Check the levels regularly

To ensure the proper functioning of the engine as well as the steering and braking components, a periodic check of all fluids is necessary. Be aware that an insufficient level can cause failures which can sometimes have serious consequences , even engine breakage. A quick look under the hood from time to time can save you a lot of trouble.

2 – Check the engine oil level

Using the oil dipstick, make sure car maintenance that the level is still between the two “mini” and “maxi” marks . An excess or insufficient quantity of oil is detrimental to the proper functioning of the engine.

3 – Check the coolant level

Make sure again that it is always between the two “mini” and “maxi” marks on the jar. Be careful, if you notice that the level is regularly insufficient, this means that your engine is consuming water – risk of a cylinder head gasket problem.

4 – Check the brake and power steering fluid levels

Insufficient brake fluid can mean a leak in the brake circuit. The same goes for management.

5 – Test the battery status

A battery in good condition maintains a good life expectancy. Make sure that it is always well charged – starting problems -, that the terminals are clean and, if necessary, check the electrolyte level. If necessary, have the charging circuit checked.

Regular checking of the fluid level helps prevent major damage. These checks do not require any particular mechanical knowledge and can be carried out quickly.

6 – Maintain the tires

A quick visual inspection of the tires is never unnecessary. . Likewise, irregular wear may suggest an anomaly in parallelism or otherwise. Checking your tires regularly helps extend their lifespan.

The tires must be identical on each axle. Likewise, they must have visible sculptures on their entire surface. Tires that are badly worn on the outside should be replaced even if the tread appears to be in good condition. In addition to risking a fine, your handling will be significantly changed.

7 – Keep brakes in good condition

If you are not an experienced mechanic, a regular visual examination of the brake discs and pads will allow you to note the state of wear of the braking components. ard when braking , this may be a sign that it is time to change your brakes, or at least to check their state.

8 – A gleaming bodywork

Regular cleaning of the bodywork will allow your car to keep its beautiful shine for many years. ine and longevity to your paint.

In the event of resale, dull bodywork indicates a lack of maintenance. The exterior condition immediately gives a good or bad impression to the potential buyer.

9 – Lighting: to see well and be seen

It is advisable to regularly check that your lighting is working properly and replace any defective bulbs , for your own safety and that of others. So remember to regularly check all the bulbs, especially the operation of the brake lights. Get help if necessary.

10 – Defect-free windshield and windows

Don’t hesitate to have a cracked windshield replaced. Clean all windows regularly with a suitable, non-abrasive product . If your car has been parked for a long time, remember to clean your windshield wipers before hitting the road. Dust accumulation and pollution can lead to scratches when it rains.

By admin

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